Showing posts with label marital counselling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marital counselling. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How To Apologize And Extinguish The flames Of Conflict In Your Home.


 You and your spouse have just had an argument. I do not need to apologize, you tell yourself. I am not the one who started it. You drop the issue, but the tension lingers. You reconsider apologizing, but you cannot bring yourself to say those simple words, "I'm sorry".
Keep your pride and save your family. sometimes it is hard to say I am sorry because my ego gets in the way" admits a husband named Peter. Inordinate pride can make you too embarrassed to acknowledge  your share of the blame.

You may think that an apology is in order only if you are responsible for the problem. A wife named Mary says, "When I know I am hundred percent at fault, it is easy to say I am sorry. But when we both said things we regret, it is difficult. I mean , why should I apologize if both of us messed up?
You might feel even more justified if you feel that what happened was entirely your spouse's fault. "When you genuinely believe that you haven't done anything wrong says a husband called Samuel,"Withholding an apology becomes a way of declaring  your innocence".
To keep your home happy, try to practice the following:

1. True, apologizing may be difficult if you are not fully to blame. But your spouse faults do not excuse bad behavior on your part. so do not hesitate to apologize, thinking that the passing of time will cover over the offense. Your apologizing can make it easier for your spouse to apologize too. and the more you practice apologizing, the easier it will become for you.

2. Remember your marriage. View an apology, not as a defeat for you, but as a victory for your marriage. After all, a person who remains offended is " more unyielding than a fortified city, "says Proverbs 18:19. It is difficult, if not impossible, to restore peace in such a defensive atmosphere. On the other hand , when you apologize you prevent the offense from becoming a barrier. In essence, you put your marriage ahead of yourself.

                                                 MARRIAGE QUOTE.
"An apology can transform your marriage from one where problems linger and create tension to one where problems are small bumps in the road. Apologies give you the chance to prove your love for each other".
Happy Married Life.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Counselling : How To Choose A Partner.

   There is a kind of joy the unmarried man or woman will never have until he gets married. Some burdens will never removed from the heart of man until he gets married. Some promotion, favor, progress, material things, academic positions and a level of spirituality will not be attained until you get married.
  Many brother and sisters are delaying their blessings because of delay in marriage. He has instituted marriage so that the friction of life and problem of life will be removed. There is nothing anybody can do to disprove what God has instituted. God has made it so. some years ago, an unmarried employee will not be assigned to a very important position in the civil service.

It is necessary to consult God with prayer and fasting for god's guidance and directive. Jesus prayed seriously before He chose the twelve apostles(Luke 6:12-13). this is an indication that a Christian must pray fervently before undertaking such life task. Abraham sent his servant to choose a wife for Isaac but the servant pray fervently and waited by the well where women used to fetch water. It indicates that patience is required in choosing a life partner(Genesis 24:11-14). It is better to be patient while looking for a partner.
   You must refrain from foul game that leads many youths to fornication. This is by chosing many girls who will be competing with each other, for there are boys and girls who need future partners by all means. they are ready to give everything during courtship but after marriage everything will be withdrawn.
You must choose a woman or a man you love and know that you can cope or live with till the end of your life. It is wrong to choose blindly. Love is not blind, but the lust of the flesh is totally blind.
Choose rightly.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that the problem that disgraced my parents in marriage, you will not prosper in my life in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Relationship Counselling : How To Save Your Marriage.


  Do you know that over 85% of marriage that collapse are "Marital situation That Lacks True Love". Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding , mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weakness. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

   The holy bible also tells us the important of true love in marriage. In ( 1 John 4:8 ), it says, "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. God's love is strong, faithful, true more than enough, everlasting and unconditional. For a Marriage to stands there must be unconditional love at home. 

Love creates, love celebrates, love heals pains, love knows your deepest desire, love never ends and never tires. Love is precious, unconditional and merciful given.

 And finally, love is the reason for living.
                                 Prayer Talk.
Today, in the name of Jesus, your Marriage will receive:

1.Treasure without measure.

2.Pleasure without pressure.

3.Progress without protest.

4.Favor without labour in Jesus name. amen.