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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

5 Things Men Should Do After Sex.


Men love to have sex, but many men don’t know that after that earth-shaking orgasm that usually knocks them out, there are some areas of their health to take care of.
Doing one of these five things will enable any healthy man to perform better every time they want to have sex!
So, as a man, what are you expected to do after having sex? The following…
Eat banana. Cramps are some of the side effects of sex. So, eat a banana and drink water to prevent muscle spasms or cramps during and after sex. Again, nutritionists say bananas contain the enzyme bromelain, which some studies have found boosts a man’s libido. They are also rich in B vitamins, such as riboflavin, which are essential for the manufacturing of sex hormone, testosterone.
Wash your penis. Many men are careless when it comes to maintaining penis hygiene! Yet, sex experts counsel men to wash the penis with soap and water after sex, and especially for the uncircumcised male. Failure to do so can lead to infections and other diseases, physicians say. Poor penis hygiene can cause infections, inflammations, phimosis (congenital narrowing of the opening of the foreskin so that it cannot be retracted) and even tumours, they warn.
Drink water. Water is needed to flush out the toxins from the body. Drink sufficient water to maintain a good amount of blood and oxygen supply to the penis.
Take a nap. Well, most men would do this anyway! This is because vasopressin, a hormone, tightens the blood vessels and plays an important role in homeostasis of the body. This hormone is directly released in the brain and tends to relax the body.
Eat chia seeds. These seeds are a powerhouse of energy, along with other nutrients. Consuming chia seeds are the best way to boost energy and rebuild stamina, nutritionists say. And if you can find chia seeds in your locality, eat sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Marriage Talk : 3 Signs She's Cheating On You.


Infidelity is common in most relationships. It takes discipline and respect for a man and a woman to be fully committed in a relationship without fishing else where. Sadly, only a few have the level of self-control needed to be faithful to one partner. They say it’s okay when a guy cheats on his woman; simply because, it is believed that most men are not monogamous in nature. He can sleep with hundreds of women but still be in love with his woman they say, but that notion is as immoral as a woman cheating on her man for whatever reason. Sometimes, women can take it to the extreme. Once a woman starts cheating, it’s worse than when a guy does it. The craziest part is trying  to conceal it. Women are wired to be nurturing. When a woman is sleeping with someone outside of her relationship, it’s easy to tell. 

 1. She turns down your advances too often Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Woman turning down sex When she turns you down too often, too much then it is a sign she might be sleeping with someone else. This is not to say she can’t turn you down when she’s tired. However, if it goes on for months, especially when there’s a lacking in the overall connection between you two, it might just be her subtle way of letting you know, you don’t do it for her anymore.

 2. Always hiding her phone Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Woman sneaking to check her phone This is a no brainier. Only someone who has something to hide will make an effort to become very private. If your girl is sleeping out, she suddenly thinks you are prying too much into her personal affairs. She tells you stuff like “respect my boundaries‘. ” trust me, I am not cheating on you.” As a matter of fact, if she is giving you unsolicited confessions like: “I was out late because my friend was blah..blah” she’s probably lying and might just be sharing her national cake to the neighborhood. 

 3. She becomes a nag Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Angry woman If your girl used to be sweet and calm and out of no where she’s the opposite of her usual self, she might just be sleeping with someone else. Suddenly, everything you do is wrong . She will argue all day when she’s with you, nag about how you act especially if you keep quiet and try to understand her plight. She will get offended if you are calm about it, she will rain hell if you stand your ground and argue with her. There’s no winning here, the real problem is, she’s seeing someone else and her conscience is eating her up. What other give-away signs do you notice.